Formerly attributed to the master commonly referred to as “Mestre de Canillo” [Master of Canillo], the authorship of the retable was discovered in 2008 when historians from the University of Girona came across the documents relating to the commissioning of the main altarpiece of the Sant Joan de Caselles church. Dating back to 1537, the paintings at Sant Joan de Caselles and, consequently, those at Sant Miquel de Prats, are attributed to Miquel Ramells de Cardona and Guiu (or Guiot) Borgonyó. These retables are almost identical, with the same strokes and decorative elements. The retable of Sant Miquel de Prats is smaller because it was designed for a smaller space. They are the result of a pairing between two experts, one in iconography, character depiction and painting, and the other -probably Borgonyó- who specialised in gilding. The identification of the artists allows us to find their names in some documents about Barcelona and the historiography of other towns. After working in Andorra, Miquel Ramells created retables for the Diocese of Vic.

Year 1537

Tempera, oil and gold on pine

55x50 cm

Miquel Ramells (pintor) i Guy Borgonyó (daurador)